18th May 2023

Following in Leonardo’s footsteps: a team building adventure

Team building planning

The customer request

Leonardo Da Vinci's spirit

An esteemed client entrusted us with the challenging assignment to weave a team-building activity echoing the essence of Leonardo Da Vinci. The grandiose canvas for this enactment was to be the Museum of Science in Milan, radiating with Da Vinci's impressions. Planning considerations included providing for 270 participants.

The Smart Eventi proposal

Leonardo's Olympics

The enthralling "Leonardo Olympics" engaged and united teams in constructing Da Vinci's iconic flying machines. Following a zestful briefing, each participant found themselves immersed in a world where the past and future merged, shaping innovative solutions with ancient knowledge, planning the acquisition of the needed materials and interacting within a game-world that was reminiscent of Leonardo’s time. Participants eagerly executed breath-taking designs, while even venturing impromptu brainstorming sessions together. Launching these captivating creations in an engaging flight competition celebrated the culmination of efficiency, design, and ingenuity.

Achieved results

Extraordinary creative

By tapping into the power of both tradition and innovation, we successfully executed a strikingly creative team-building event. This exhilarating experience flawlessly blended fun and functionality, providing a unique platform that sparked joy in every participant. Aligning with forward-thinking strategies set by our client, we surpassed targets to deliver an event that embodied satisfaction and exceeded expectations.


Team building planning


Planning a team building activity dedicated to and inspired by the genius of Leonardo Da Vinci

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