Team building Mystery Room for Yottaword
team building
Customer Request
Yottaworld, company operating in the IT consulting sector, contact us for the organization of their annual meeting. The request was that of a warm and familiar location that at the same time respected the social distances imposed by the pandemic situation. In addition to the meeting part, they wanted to conclude the meeting with the playful team building that united the participants who for a long time had not had the opportunity to see each other and stay together.
Smart Eventi proposal
We selected a location in a skyscraper in the Central Station area, despite the distance that we had to ensure between people, the meeting room was welcoming and familiar thanks to the clever arrangement of the furniture.
Regarding the team building activity, we have proposed a playful activity that amused the participants but at the same time highlighted problem solving, teamwork and competitive spirit: the MYSTERY ROOM team building. Each team was assigned a briefcase containing a "bomb" and some materials such as trunks, padlocks and a PC useful for defusing the "bomb". The team that managed to solve all the puzzles in the shortest time won the competition.
The initial objective was fully satisfied, the participants left the location at the end of the day more united and cohesive.