15th-17th June 2023

A high-tech tradeshow booth for an innovative firm

Designing and setting up a trade-show booth

The client request

Iconic exhibition booth

Swagyourlife planned to make waves at the WMF trade show in Rimini. They intended to show up with an iconic exhibition booth, destined for splendour at this and subsequent industry gatherings. They contracted us to design and set up a booth that could showcase their commitment to innovation.

The Smart Eventi proposal

The "mining room"

We oversaw the project from start to finish, designing a trade show booth tailored to Swagyourlife's needs. One standout feature was the innovative "mining room", which invited visitors to engage in crypto mining through the Oculus VR headset. We not only designed the booth, but also oversaw its physical set-up, joining our client at the trade show on the last day of set-up and on the first day of the actual event, to make sure everything was in perfect working order and the booth was ready to welcome and awe WMF attendees.

Achived results

Fantastic working partnership

Swagyourlife and GURU Lab Design carved a niche at WMF, with the only non-preassembled booth in the whole show, gathering enthusiastic comments from both Swagyourlife’s team and the event attendees. We can safely say we consolidated a fantastic working partnership and we will be designing and setting up their booths for future trade shows.



Designing and setting up a trade-show booth


Creating a trade show booth for a cryptocurrency company and setting it up at the WMF exhibition in Rimini.

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