January 10th, 2018

Team Building orienteering for Atos Medical

Team Building orienteering for our customer Atos Medical at Asiago.

The customer request

A unique team building activity


We organised a really unique team building activity for our loyal customer Atos Medical, world leader in the laryngectomized patients' assistance which offers innovative solutions to its users through the sale of medical and hospital devices.

The Smart Eventi proposal

Organizing an outdoor team building activity

For the activity development we took them to Asiago because we found an amazing location which was perfect to organise an outdoor team building on the snow and in the woods, in a magical and special context which captivated all the participants.

We found a really nice and characteristic lodge as headquarter, which offers a comfortable environment for our guests.

As the event developed in one day, we left in the morning at 9.30 am and we welcomed them with a great bonfire in the lodge's square and then we offered breakfast before starting the activity.

Afterwards we divided the group into 4 teams and we gave them customised maps and compasses, fundamental for the team building's development that we selected, that was an orienteering activity.

In fact each team had to orient themselves and to reach 7 positions hidden in a wide wood and in the valley to achieve the mission. During each trial they had the possibility of earning points, just stamping the map with the marker of the stage they reached or challenging themselves in ability tests like the blindfolded archery, the lighting of the fire with stones, the construction of a stilt house and the one which was the most successful, that was the tree climbing.

At the end of the morning we offered the participants a wonderful lunch to rest and eat recovering the energy used into the different challenges. The guests were welcomed with spritz and local food, such as Asiago cheese and then it was served at the tables with an excellent menu.

Achieved results

Organizing an unforgettable team buildng day

It has been a really unique and unforgettable day which left an amazing memory to everyone.


Team Building orienteering for our customer Atos Medical at Asiago.


- Scouting location

- Team building orienteering organisation

- Breakfast's and lunch's organisation

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