28th May - 11th June 2019

Event to promote the territory for Schweiz Tourismus

Event to promote the territory

Customer Request

Our client Switzerland Tourism needed support to choose the right venue to organize an event dedicated to the promotion of the territory and of the natural, historical and cultural attractions of the Swiss territory during summer 2019.

Smart Eventi proposal

The event has been organized by Switzerland Tourism to promote the Swiss territory and the natural, historical and cultural attractions that it could offer.

The manifestation was open to public and it also included some events dedicated to guests related to the editorial world (RCS) and touristic operators.

The location that we proposed for the occasion was completely transformed, covering the walls with "alive" vegetal walls and putting real trees and plants: a wood atmosphere has been recreated in which perfume diffusors has been used to spread a bush essence.

Thanks to all these elements it has been possibile to recreate a sensorial experience even more immersive and fashinating.

Every corner of the location has been set with specific corners, each of them presented a particular attractive of the Swiss territory, like a red train Virtual reality, a corned dedicated to cheese and beer tasting, the SwitzerBall, the table football with cows and other immersive activities.


The event had a great success, recording almost 300/400 daily visitors with peaks of 1000 people in the days with special events.

The location has been really appreciated too thanks to the originality of the vegetal decorations.


Event to promote the territory


Scouting location

Lights technical service

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