11/13th April 2022

Successful collaboration between Mitsubishi Chemical and Smart Eventi

Meeting e convention

The Customer's Request

Mitsubishi Chemical, a company that supplies a wide range of technologically advanced products and materials from aeronautics to bioprocessing, contacted us for the EMEA Sales & Commercial Meeting, an event for about 70 employees from all over the world.

It was essential to find the fitting location for the occasion, but they had short time, so the company turned to Smart Eventi[SE1]  to support them in the activities to perform, from the scouting of the location to the organization of the 3 days of meetings that would take place within a few days, including catering and accommodation services.

The Smart Eventi proposal

Due to the pressing time, our team started right away to lorr a location, paying attention to the KAITEKI philosophy promoted by the customer, basis for the development of sustainable well-being and the principle according to which we can satisfy our current needs without compromising the chance of future generations to satisfy theirs.

For this reason, we have thought of a location recognized as a style icon in the heart of the design capital, equipped with cutting-edge facilities in terms of technologies and tools for business activities and terms of comfort.

Well inserted in the urban layout of the city, with windows overlooking Piazza Fontana and equipped with a modern wellness center, allowing relaxing after meetings and business meetings, just a few steps from the Duomo.

Therefore, we engaged in the drafting of a plan for the management of meetings, providing support for the preparation phase of the room and the set up of the audio and video systems; finally, we coordinated with the structure for the overnight stay and for the part dedicated to food and beverage that we have foreseen during the breaks of the working days. The supply of our trusted catering in the center. 

Results achieved

Particularly appreciated was our speed finding the right space to accommodate and satisfy all the needs of our customer and his guests. also, the catering and accommodation services were well welcomed by the customer, who thanked us for not only  professionalism but also for availability and kindness, guaranteeing us new collaborations.


HR Manager

We collaborated with Smart Eventi last April on the occasion of the EMEA Sales & Commercial Meeting, an event attended by approximately seventy colleagues of the Mitsubishi group from all over the world.

Smart Eventi has identified, in record time, an impeccable location in the center of Milan, coordinating with the staff of the structure both for the assignment of the rooms and for the catering service. We also had all the necessary support for the logistical and technical part, from setting up the room to the setup of the audio and video systems.

Thanks to Daniele and his precious collaborators, the event took place with extreme naturalness, so much that we received repeated compliments from Mitsubishi's Top Management.


Meeting e convention


scouting location

provision of catering and accommodation services

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