april 5th 2023

From team to crew: team building on a sailing boat

Team building planning and managing

The customer request

Cross the limits

A world-renowned luxury brand approached us to organise a unique team building event, featuring a lavish touch. Central to the event experience, they sought integrated values of collaboration, communication, and pushing boundaries.

The Smart Eventi proposal

Lake of Garda's adventure

Drawing inspiration from the world of sailing, 54 team members were strategically grouped into ten crews. These crews embarked on an exhilarating adventure on Lake Garda, where they would metaphorically and physically navigate the waters of organisational cooperation. Prior to setting sail, each team underwent comprehensive training, mastering the intricacies of sailing and equipping themselves for the journey ahead. As they sailed across the pristine waters, team members assumed distinct roles, mirroring the dynamics of a well-oiled organisation. Through simulated races and sailing exercises, they honed their teamwork and coordination skills, mimicking the synchronised efforts required in any successful enterprise. This voyage of discovery not only allowed them to appreciate the parallels between sailing and collaboration but also reinforced the importance of teamwork and coordination in achieving their shared goals.

Achieved results

Joyfull feel

The unanimous satisfaction of the client's team was a clear indication of our objectives being achieved. The joyful atmosphere and the insightful lessons imparted made the event a success.


Team building planning and managing


Plan a luxury team building event to emphasise the importance of collaboration.

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