Sheet music and improvisation, this is what communication is all about!

Ada Baldovin
Ada Baldovin
Ada Baldovin

Communication & Social media Specialist

“With enough courage, you can do without a reputation”. Ada applies this quote from Gone with the Wind to all kinds of problems and doubts. She is the kind of person that doesn’t have to weigh the pros and cons of a new adventure for too long: she would rather dive straight in, brimming with optimism.

She lives and breathes music, she learnt to play at a very young age, dabbling with the violin, the guitar and the piano, before finding her true passion: the bass guitar. As a performer, she toured nation wide, playing in several major clubs and enjoying life on the road.

She combines  a great sense of humour and the ability to not take herself too seriously with a deep sensitivity for social issues. She worked in services and publishing, before finding her true calling in the event industry. Across different industries, however, the core of her job stayed the same: it has always been all about communication! Websites, newsletters, articles, blogs, social media: each channel sounds like a different genre, in which to combine the same seven notes, to achieve stunningly different results. Sometimes you improvise, sometimes follow the score to the letter. Choosing the right code is never a problem: she can communicate equally well without words, which means she can convey any message effectively!

Should you ask her what her plans are for the weekend, she will invariably reply: I will either be dancing or making others dance!

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