December 20th, 2016

Team building "The Wheel of Fortune" for Tom Tom

Team building activity "The Wheel of Fortune" during the Christmas business dinner for our customer Tom Tom at “Dulcis in fundo" restaurant.

We organised a team building activity during our customer Tom Tom's Christmas business dinner.
The customer found the location on his own, a well-known restaurant of Milan very cosy, intimate and quiet place, perfect to spend a night together.

The participants were a great number, there were 80 people, and we organised an activity ad hoc for the occasion called "The Wheel of Fortune", in English as some of the guests were foreigner.
The game consisted in overcoming different tests: singing (karaoke), dancing (remaking famous dance from musical or movies), quiz (general culture questions) and theatre (playing famous movies scenes).
Each team at its turn turned the wheel and faced the challenge.

There was a jury too and they voted each single proof and gave a score to the performance.
At the end the team who had the highest score won a magnum bottle of champagne.
After this game we organised a dj set to conclude the evening in the best way having fun and dancing all together.


Team building activity "The Wheel of Fortune" during the Christmas business dinner for our customer Tom Tom at “Dulcis in fundo" restaurant.


- Organising a team building activity.
- Organising dj set.

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